Donate to Gigaohm Biological
(click EDIT to enter an amount)

  • You are about to make a supporting contribution to the efforts of a teacher.
  • Please make the effort to share Gigaohm Biological with your representatives and senators.
  • Contact Jay directly if you have questions or specific topics to be addressed on stream.
  • Please dont forget read and share the Review calling for a pause of transfections.

Your donation will help sustain the development and continued evolution of this method of communication and education.

On a more basic level, you are essentially throwing money in the instrument case of a musician on the street
whose music has calmed your spirit and warmed your heart.

By sharing my love and passion for the beauty of the biology of Earth, I hope I can help us all to imagine
a better tomorrow than the one that is planned for us.

1000x Thanks.

J.C. on a bike