VW GWR 9400 Pannier Pack


The Hawksworth 9400 Pannier comes to Train Simulator Classic courtesy of Victory Works.

  1. Hawsworth Pannier Tank
  2. Late GWR Livery
  3. BR Liveries
  4. Clean and Worn Variants
  5. Preserved 9466 in GWR & BR Liveries
  6. Advanced and Simple Modes
  7. Optional Parts and Fittings on All Variants
  8. Realistic Brake Operation Including Vacuum and Steam Brakes
  9. Authentic Cab Environment and Controls
  10. Carefully Crafted Custom Sounds Inside and Out
  11. Rolling Stock Including GWR Toad Brake, GWR 20T Grain Wagon and GWR Shunters Truck
  12. 6 Scenarios and Quick Drive Ready
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