• When God Sends Angels To Help Lift Us Up


Sometimes universe, or more specifically your senior Guides, begin a process of elevation.

Of your soul light body, and along with that your personal reality.

Often that process involves a deep RECALIBRATION of your thought pathways, thought habits, SELF PERCEPTION, and your deep unconscious sense of freedom to ALLOW yourself new possibilities.

In this Livestream on Friday, we will hear channeled teaching on this topic from Alicia’s Creator Being Spirit Tutors.

And we’ll experience a significant internal SHIFT of our CORE INNER PLATFORM – our consciousness BASE.

The worlds of spirit are welcoming us ‘home’, ever higher in the etheric light currents we swim in. Personally, as well as collectively.

I am being told there is a vast ‘membrane of light’ approaching the physical plane that will activate change, clarity and ever deeper fortitude in all of us incarnate souls.

My spirit tutors are describing this as similar to a light being switched on in a dark room.

The contrast of fierce clarity, ‘seeing the truth’… and honoring it within ourselves will be intensely powerful.

This band of light originating from high levels of spirit authority will arrive around December 30th.

A New Years gift of giant proportions!

So this Livestream is definitely a sacred preparation for this moment.

Our personal unconscious base of ‘being’ will be strengthened in Light – so we match the new wave when it arrives.

Enjoy soul awakenness, soul wound healing and upgrades that prepare you specifically for this new resonance of empowerment.

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