Stop the drama Llama - be a problem solver, not a problem dweller - Learning Bites


Picture this - a drama-free zone where good vibes rule, and everyone's got a smile on their face. Does that describe your life right now? If not, it’s time for a rewrite, and we're flipping your narrative to focus on empowerment, growth, and positive energy with a positive mindset. "Learning Bites" is a condensed version of the bigger program, designed to be a 15 minute snapshot you can watch in your lunch break to help you get through your challenging day - enjoy!

  1. Imagine feeling the relief of leaving the unnecessary stress behind
  2. Stop overthinking and feel peace, not anxiety and drama
  3. Tips and hints on how to to be a problem solver and not a problem dweller
  4. Reflective Learning Journal opportunities - record your thoughts
  5. Original content by Anne, a thought leader in change - no AI here!
  6. Fully narrated by Anne, a Mindset, Change and Resiliency Coach
  7. Love Australian accents? You'll love Anne coaching you in this program
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