Truth and Lies - Learn How To Tell Them Apart


Have you ever been in a choice-point in your life, but could not figure out which decision supported you best?

Have you ever experienced that it is hard to know if the presented piece of information is true or false? Especially when there is good supporting evidence for both sides?

Have you ever made a statement, but something inside of you didn’t feel quite right about it even though all objective evidence showed it is true?

A major, if not THE major, aspect of being a sovereign being, a being that is able to make conscious decisions on what he or she experiences in life, is the ability to discern true information from false information.

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Whether the information reaches you from a third party in books, internet, podcasts, it is channeled from spiritual, higher awareness entities or Source that you or others can tap into, it can, and often IS, misinterpreted or hijacked.

Data and information can get lost in translation due to our language, personal programs, and firewalls, culture, social and spiritual beliefs, it can get hijacked by our ego, low-frequency programs, and firewalls, or it is simply false information to begin with. 

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This hour-long class will teach you, with many practical exercises and examples, how to accurately discern information that comes your way so that you can confidently use it or teach it knowing that it is not being hijacked or misinterpreted in any way or form.

We all have the skill of being able to tell truth from lies, in this class I will help you regain that skill and teach you how to become very good at it.

Be the sovereign being you are meant to be! Regain this skill today.

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