BOOK Heilende Stimmgabeln (in GERMAN)


Das Wissen um die Heilwirkung von Klängen ist uralt. Eine spezielle Anwendung stellen die Stimmgabeln dar, die eine Tonschwingung in ganz bestimmter Frequenz erzeugen. In diesem Buch werden die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten unterschiedlicher Stimmgabeln vorgestellt. Dabei geht es um leicht von jedermann ohne Vorkenntnisse anzuwendende Methoden, spezielle Anwendungen für Therapeuten, die auf Akupunkturpunkte wirken, und Eigenanwendungen nach einer therapeutischen Beratung. Barbra Angel (Dr. Barbara Romanowska) was born on W.A. Mozart’s birthday in communist Poland. Thanks to her immaculate ear for a sound called perfect pitch, she has had a metaphysical contact with music since she was born. She is a Doctor of Philosophy in Naturopathy, Master of Arts (Composition, Vocalism), Yoga instructor and hypnotist, founder of the Academy of Sound in Europe (Akademia Dzwieku) and Tune&Heal™ in the U.S. She formalized her healing method, Cell Resonance Therapy (CRT) in 2003, and has been published across Europe, conducting hundreds of seminars, certified courses, and healing concerts. She is an award-winning singer and composer and has published many books and CDs including Gospel music. She started her Healing Music Ministry after she became an ordained minister in 2005.

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