When it comes to WAITING for energies to SETTLE – we sometimes are not good at that!

This Livestream will support ‘settling down’ your energies, so that they GLIDE more easily onto and into a slipstream of POWER

… which is, THE NEW LIGHT FREQUENCY that has ENTERED the physical plane – and the force fields surrounding it – to support humanity.

This new light frequency field is super potent.

- It manifests realities more easily,

- It responds to YOUR SOUL NEEDS more acutely

- It READS your heart closely

- It is ATTUNED to you – more readily.


Remember you exist in a holographic field that is designed to TEACH YOU to be self-loving – and stay stable in that. To HOLD THAT above everything.

This is part of the REMEMBERING mastery training.

So this NEW FREQUENCY FIELD embraces YOU. Is here for YOU.

It has arrived to UPLIFT YOU – into that INNER STATE OF REMEMBERING.


And so – to STAY STABLE in that new field, in that new resonance current, is the full focus of our session with the Creator Beings in this Friday’s Livestream.


It ALWAYS is absolutely stunning to me what they choose for each session focus.

Until I begin channeling them for the words of this monthly email – I don’t know what the focus will be. Until they write it.

So, I’m just as thrilled as you are! I’m so grateful for their presence and their careful mentoring and support.

You are in for a powerful energy TREAT. Our personal light fields will be laced more deeply into this HIGH LIGHT FIELD – so we STAY anchored within it.

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